Commission Painting of a beloved mother.
The vulnerability of a woman in her remaining weeks of life can be observed in this oil painting.
What you can’t see is her children at her side, she sat at the table with a fire crackling in the background and a hot lunch ready. She ate more than she had in a long time, like a mother shielding her children from concern. a mother who carried her own burdens away from her children.
For the sake of her children, she never wanted to appear vulnerable.
But when a powerful pillar in her children’s lives—their mother's once-believed invincibility—was taken away, the children were then left vulnerable.
We all experience vulnerability, which can be difficult to accept, but sometimes the only thing that can help us go on is to let vulnerability be there without attempting to run away. The only way to grieve the loved ones we lose along the way.
Dedicated to a cherished wife, mother, sister, aunt, child, nan, and an array of other names that hardly begin to describe the significance she had in the lives of people she loved.